
Condemned 2 bloodshot bear
Condemned 2 bloodshot bear

These levels are extremely non-scary, and while they are fun, I didn’t enjoy them nearly as much as the exploration levels. The first several levels are focused on fear and quite successful, but then the game switches into combat mode and throws levels at you where you must simply pummel your way to the end. The problem is that it only tries to be scary every third or fourth level. When it tries to be scary, Condemned 2 is a very scary game. The designers are also very good at leading your eye, so often events will seem to take place right in front of you as you casually look around. In particular, this game has absolutely mastered subtle changes in lighting and contrast in order to increase pressure on the player the way colors slowly bleed out of the scene as the player descends into the depths of an office building or apartment complex is fantastic. The designers are still very good at making truly claustrophobic and oppressive environments, and this time around they pull a few new tricks out of their hats. Condemned 2 is best when it’s in its horror and exploration modes–the modes that are most similar to the game play of the original Condemned. The game doesn’t make this cycle explicit, of course, but after playing for a while you realize that each level has a particular focus. The levels themselves cycle between exploration levels, horror levels, and combat levels. In general, the art is improved over the last game (which looked pretty damn good to begin with) across the board. The game also doesn’t rely on him appearing weak to produce its scares in the very first scene we see him pummel a suspicious character almost to death. The protagonist, while looking completely different than before, is highly detailed and very well animated. The art is very nice the characters in particular look fantastic. There is generally a lot more to do in Condemned 2 than just punch things and hit them with pipes, and this increased level of interactivity is quite successful. The story is effectively told through in-game cinematics and with radios and TVs that must be hand-tuned, which is a nice touch. The team at Monolith went all out in improving the investigation and detective bits of the game too the CSI-elements are much more complicated and interesting, and the game rates you on how well you are able to piece together the evidence that you are provided. Combat feels visceral and personal, and the introduction of special combos makes for some pretty bloody fights. The combat system is similar to the original game but improved melee combat in first person is hard to get right, but it feels pretty awesome in Condemned 2. However, the more he learns about the problems plaguing the city, the more Thomas begins to realize that some larger event is taking place, and that he is somehow an integral component.Ĭondemned 2 starts out very strong. Unravelling the mystery that he is presented requires a lot of exploration, examination of evidence, deductive reasoning, and good old fashioned beat-downs. Very quickly he is once again delving into the bowels of the city, which seems to have gotten even worse than it was before. Thomas finds himself helping his old agency (much to his disgruntlement) when a mysterious caller leaves a message for him at the precinct. Our hero, Detective Ethan Thomas, has quit the force and become a body-building alcoholic with a three-day beard and a grudge. On the other hand, the game goes in so many different directions that it’s difficult to sum the whole experience up and describe what playing it is like.Ĭondemned 2 picks up some time after the end of the original Condemned. On the one hand, it’s clearly been designed to address the shortcomings of the original Condemned (mainly, repetitive game play and under-used forensic modes) while improving and enhancing the parts that worked. A sequel that hits all the right notes but can’t quite follow the tune.Ĭondemned 2 is sort of a hard game to write a review for.

Condemned 2 bloodshot bear